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Item #: SCP-2133

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A security perimeter must be maintained at a ten kilometer radius around SCP-2133, preventing access to and from the surrounding area. Guards are to be stationed along the perimeter at all times and are to maintain the facade of a Russian military facility. In the event of a security breach by civilians or hostile entities, lethal force is authorized. The remote nature of SCP-2133 ensures accidental discovery to be a rarity. Personnel are to be equipped with Level A hazmat suits when exploring SCP-2133 and when interacting with its community.

Description: SCP-2133 is an unnamed village in the Northern Urals and has an estimated population of fifty, although an exact number has been difficult to record. Various microbial pathogens have been discovered within the vicinity of SCP-2133, some of which were previously unknown. This has included:

  • Mycobacterium leprae and M. lepromatosis (the causative agents of leprosy)
  • Yersinia pestis (in the form of pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic plagues)
  • Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (the causative agent of typhoid fever)
  • Influenza virus A, B, and C
  • Vibrio cholerae (the causative agent of cholera)
  • Variola major (the causative agent of smallpox, eradicated outside of SCP-2133 as of 1975)

The inhabitants of SCP-2133, referred to as SCP-2133-1, display a relative resistance to disease. While symptoms develop as per ordinary disease progression, resulting in disfigurement and debilitation, death is comparatively rare.

SCP-2133-1 have shown themselves to be either unwilling or unable to leave SCP-2133. Genetic analysis has revealed significant inbreeding, although SCP-2133-1 have never been observed undergoing sexual reproduction while in containment. It is hypothesized that the diseases are a symptom of their primary anomaly and are not themselves anomalous.

The most significant anomaly associated with SCP-2133-1 is a form of reincarnation. Deceased instances will rapidly decay and, on the night of the first new moon, are harvested from the fields as infants. SCP-2133-1 entities retain the memories and appearance of previous incarnations. Soil samples from the fields were found to contain embryonic fluid.


Inhabitants of SCP-2133.

SCP-2133-1 speak an archaic dialect of Russian. Periodically willing to be interviewed, they commonly refuse to divulge substantial details about their history and traditions. Their lifestyle has been noted to be similar to that of 14th century peasant commune and display acute technophobia. Residents are believed to be illiterate, the village lacking books or any other use of written language. What is known about their culture and beliefs has been gleaned through behavioral observation and a limited number of successful interviews. SCP-2133-1 refer to their religion as the Church of the Red Harvest, whose doctrine and mythology remain poorly understood.

SCP-2133-1 tend to ignore Foundation personnel, displaying hostility only when their daily routine has in some manner been impeded. Personnel are able to enter and explore buildings without triggering a reaction from SCP-2133-1 - the church being the only known exception. All attempts to access the church have produced violent encounters with SCP-2133-1 and SCP-2133-2, resulting in several fatalities via damaged hazmat equipment and, in the case of SCP-2133-2, strangulation and impalement.

SCP-2133-2 are prehensile organic structures found throughout SCP-2133 and are dark red in color with a tentaculoid shape. SCP-2133-2 only appear to move to attack intruding personnel or to allow the entrance of SCP-2133-1 instances into the church, which it completely engulfs. Tissue samples removed from SCP-2133-2 are genetically identical and closely related to Homo sapiens.

SCP-2133-1 work the fields from dawn until dusk. At sunset, the entire SCP-2133-1 population will enter the church, apparently depositing the day's harvest and residing within for approximately three hours before retiring home. SCP-2133-1 will then sleep until dawn, beginning the entire process over the next day. There has been no significant variation in routine throughout SCP-2133's containment history. SCP-2133-1 behavior has also included staring aimlessly for up to two hours, self-amputation of gangrenous limbs and tumorous growths (then deposited within the church), and periodic, often incoherent mutterings.

Besides their anomalous usage, the fields are primarily used to grow turnips. Non-SCP-2133-1 cadavers fail to undergo anomalous regeneration. Fecal material recovered from SCP-2133-1 entities suggest a high protein diet despite turnips being their only apparent food source.

SCP-2133 was discovered and contained on 10/03/1936 by GRU Division "P". Control would be later transferred to the Foundation after the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Archived documents suggests that GRU Division "P" became aware of SCP-2133 after a pandemic in the region. Several villages were placed under quarantine while proper procedures were established for the containment and research of SCP-2133.

The outbreak is hypothesized to have begun when a returning mineral surveying team was exposed to SCP-2133, contracting local contagions. The surveyors would die but not before inadvertently triggering an epidemic through contact with settlements as they journeyed south.



Mobile Task Force Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") was able to subdue SCP-2133's denizens without casualties to Foundation operatives or SCP-2133-1 entities. An exploration team composed of twelve MTF Beta-7 operatives were equipped with head mounted radios, video recorders, type B hazmat suits and cylinders containing uncontaminated air (3 hour supply). After significant incendiary damage, SCP-2133-2 tendrils receded into the soil.

Within the church were several fetishes (fashioned from bone and leather) and organic material (later identified as tumorous masses) hung by iron hooks and chained to the ceiling. Discovered at the center of the building was a large fissure, the entrance to a system of caverns beneath SCP-2133 and later determined to extend well into the nearby mountains.

Several organisms, since classified as SCP-2133-3, were discovered after approximately 25 minutes of exploration. Due to their size and unwillingness to leave, MTF Beta-7 terminated a single instance of SCP-2133-3 and retrieved it for autopsy.

After depositing the deceased SCP-2133-3, the expedition team replaced their air canisters and returned to the mission. At approximately fifty minutes of uneventful exploration, video and radio contact were lost without any sign of struggle. Radio contact would be reestablished after approximately six hours of silence - video feed remained disabled.

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