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Detail of trees in Area 2366 before commencement of logging

Item #: SCP-2366

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Area 2366 is to be surrounded by a security fence, and subjected to regular herbicide treatment. Mobile Task Force Theta-4 ("Gardeners") is to maintain a cover story for containment (premised on a variant of Dutch Elm disease), and to observe the local Mennonite community for anomalous behaviour.

Agents stationed at Area 2366 are advised to remain alert to the dangers of local coyote populations affected by SCP-2366.

All samples of SCP-2366 are to be held at Storage Location 73-E, an automated warehouse in the Texas desert. Any new instances of SCP-2366 are to be removed and sent to Storage Location 73-E. Recovery of any instances currently not in containment is considered a priority.

Description: SCP-2366 denotes an anomalous species of deciduous hardwood tree, together with its wood. SCP-2366 trees resemble birch (genus Betula) in both outward appearance and genetic composition. Within its area of effect (approximately 25m in diameter from any SCP-2366 item), SCP-2366 promotes cooperative and collaborative behaviour. When exposed to SCP-2366, groups of organisms of the same species will work together to achieve mutual goals; the degree of cooperation and the benefits of such behaviour increase in proportion to the complexity of the species' social structure.

Recovery: SCP-2366 was discovered following the Foundation's investigation of a viral video appearing to show a Mennonite barn-raising performed in an extremely coordinated and rapid manner.1 Undercover Foundation agents travelled to the Old Order Mennonite community in ███████████, Pennsylvania and observed that the local farms appeared to be operating with unusual efficiency.

The agents learned that the community had constructed the barn, as well as household items, using a particular type of wood. Items constructed of such wood had also formed part of the community's regular trading activity. The wood was identified as being sourced from a local stand of birch trees (subsequently designated Area 2366). Botanical analysis from Area 2366 indicated a unique species of birch.


Coyotes in Area 2366

Initial efforts to identify SCP-2366 trees were hampered by a series of attacks on Foundation agents by packs of coyotes displaying complex and organised hunting techniques. The local Mennonite community were aware of the risk of such attacks, and shared with undercover agents their strategies for groups working in Area 2366 to avoid or repel such attacks. These strategies were found to be effective. Atypical coyote behaviour has ceased with the removal of SCP-2366 instances from Area 2366.

After tagging live specimens of SCP-2366 for logging, the Foundation attempted to identify all items constructed of SCP-2366 by the Mennonite community. These items were recovered, including tracing (where possible) pre-made and bespoke items sold or traded to tourists or visitors - the owners were amnesticized as necessary. Initial on-site containment protocols were then established, and all samples of SCP-2366 wood were sent to Site-73 for containment and testing.

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