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Suspected SCP-4077 location circa 1599 CE.

Item #: SCP-4077

Object Class: Euclid Keter

Special Containment Procedures: All information related to SCP-4077 is to be maintained on redundant RAISA Onto/Temporal-Isolated Servers and encoded in the Solid Archive during the next write-accessible interval. Foundation historians are to monitor academic outlets specializing in history and literature for newly uncovered 4077-A narratives, which should be removed from circulation, archived, and replaced with approved forgeries.

Any individuals claiming to have encountered SCP-4077 are to be detained and fully debriefed, with their statements recorded as 4077-A narratives. Affected Foundation personnel may be placed on mnestics to improve account accuracy.

Foundation satellite reconnaissance and intelligence networks are to monitor for any locations matching the description of SCP-4077. The O5 Council is to be notified immediately if any locations significantly resembling SCP-4077 are located.

Effective 3/26/2009, no resources are to be allocated to locating SCP-4077.

Description: SCP-4077 is an undiscovered covert facility located in a variable but always remote location. According to compiled descriptions, SCP-4077 is at least 2 km2 in area and roughly follows standard Foundation construction practices circa 2███. Certain described features suggest that SCP-4077 contains advanced technology not currently available outside of the Foundation.

No physical evidence for SCP-4077 exists at any location. SCP-4077 is only known to the Foundation through 4077-A narratives.

4077-A narratives are a collection of pseudohistorical documents, written histories, and personal testimonies centering on a mythical or lost civilization, city, or location. The description of SCP-4077 is identical between 4077-A narratives, although some contain only partial features or use period vernacular. These narratives range from the classical period to the present, but even the oldest reports include sufficient detail concerning security practices and paratechnology to represent a Class IV information security breach.

Beyond a claim that SCP-4077 contains something of great value to the author or characters in the narrative (typically wealth in the form of gold), very few 4077-A narratives contain any information concerning the interior, inhabitants, or capabilities of SCP-4077. The only 4077-A narratives with any information concerning the interior are summarized below.

It is believed that these narratives have been intentionally left intact, as a warning.


SCP-4077 was first identified in a collection of 4077-A narratives from the archives of the Vatican Holy Office for Secrets and Prophecies (Secretorum Camerus Prophetias) in 1964. The Holy Office suppressed these narratives from the 3rd to 19th centuries by pressuring authors and circulating alternate rumors without references to SCP-4077. The Holy Office lacked sufficient context to identify the facility and viewed SCP-4077 as an infohazard related to Solomon's Temple.

After the Foundation assumed containment responsibilities, a search of Foundation archives produced several additional SCP-4077-A narratives in the form of personal statements and intelligence debriefings. These instances are attached below.

Additional Documents

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