
rating: +111+x
2/4845 LEVEL 2/4845
Item #: SCP-4845

Assigned Site(s) Project Lead Project Assistant Assigned Personnel
Site-120, Site-169 Dr. Caballero Dr. Saberstein Site-169 Personnel


SCP-4845 as seen from orbit.

Special Containment Procedures: Satellite photography and related orbital data collected from SCP-4845's location are to be altered to exclude information implying its existence. Personnel planted within NASA and the ESA are to alter such data to this end.

Once Site-169 has been established on the lunar surface, approved Foundation personnel from there or Site-120 may dine at SCP-4845. In exchange for allowing Site-169 to utilize SCP-4845's electricity, an internet connection is to be provided to SCP-4845, on the condition that all outgoing data remains closely monitored for potential breaches in security.

Possible connections between SCP-4845 and the disappearance of a Taco Bell restaurant from Wyoming, USA in the summer of 2013 are currently being investigated.

Description: SCP-4845 is a fully-operational Taco Bell fast food restaurant located near 44°S 55°W, on the Earth's Moon. As determined from remote and manned explorations of SCP-4845, the establishment has been confirmed to possess several anomalous qualities, including:

  • Unidentified, most likely infinite sources of power and edible food products that allow it to operate indefinitely
  • An Earth-like atmosphere in terms of pressure and composition both inside and around the premises
  • A staff of five humanoid entities collectively designated SCP-4845-A that consists of three males and two females, all of which possess mild anomalous abilities (See Addendum 4845.1)

On 2/24/19, personnel at Site-120 stabilized a Type-07 “Intended Access” Wormhole and linked the opening end to a point on the Moon located approximately 0.5 kilometers from SCP-4845. To test the stability of the access point, an MEEVSR1 was sent through the opening to investigate SCP-4845. The exploration yielded information about SCP-4845's interior and SCP-4845-A instances, as well as atmospheric composition and pressure. Based on these measurements and the MEEVSR's interactions with the staff, it was determined that SCP-4845 is habitable for baseline humans and SCP-4845-A instances are non-hostile.

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