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5/5509 LEVEL 5/5509
Item #: SCP-5509
Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned MTF
Area-02 Dr. Judith Low Dr. Samira Golzar Γ-44 ("Meat Lockers")

Special Containment Procedures


Projected SCP-5509/SCP-3862-Σ short-term infection rates within NYC.

A Stage-3 Biohazard Quarantine is being upheld within the borough of Queens in New York City. The New York Hospital Med Center (temporarily designated Emergency Outpost B701) is being used as a treatment facility for SCP-5509 infected individuals.

Assets within the CDC and New York City Department of Health are to continue to advise citizens against the consumption and use of unboiled tap water, under the guise of borough-specific water contamination. In conjunction with these efforts, several Foundation backed non-profit organizations will continue to distribute bottled water to affected areas in need.

The Medical Department is consulting with the Kelipat Nogah Initiative to determine a possible cause for the spread of SCP-5509 and its connection to other Sarkic-related anomalies.


SCP-5509 is a highly invasive species of artificially created schistosome1 organisms, proficient in the infection of and multiplying within human hosts. Unlike non-anomalous schistosomes, SCP-5509 instances are capable of releasing fertilized eggs into fresh water sources. These eggs are capable of infecting hosts through consumption or exposure to mucus membranes; once within a host the eggs will hatch before rapidly maturing. Short term symptoms of SCP-5509 infestation are congruent with schistosomiasis including: skin lesions, fever, chills, headache, stomach pain, joint pain, cough, fatigue, and muscle aches.

As the origin and long term effects of SCP-5509 are currently unknown, this file will be updated as new information becomes available.


The first known SCP-5509 infection was reported on 2019/09/01 at 12:54 GMT, from the New York Hospital Med Center in Queens, NYC. Within the next six hours, 103 new SCP-5509 related cases were discovered, leading to Foundation-led investigations into the situation. While initial attempts to quarantine and treat affected individuals appeared to be working, by 2020/09/07 there were over 3,600 cases, prompting the Foundation to begin quarantine procedures for the entire borough of Queens.

An exhaustive and rapid series of field examinations of the homes belonging to affected individuals first turned up no common factors. The infection initially appeared to be spreading at random, until all collected tap water samples in the infected homes revealed traces of SCP-5509, leading Foundation scientists to theorize that the water supply itself was the source.

Foundation assets within the NYC municipal government attempted to contact the reservoir and aqueduct facilities responsible for water quality testing. Of the 13 facilities, the Ashokan Reservoir2 was the only non-responsive agency. Local law enforcement was used to perform an initial investigation but contact was lost shortly after their arrival. Mobile Task Force Gamma-44 ("Meat Lockers") and a medical research team were dispatched to the Ashokan Reservoir for further investigation.

In the hours following this investigation, similar attacks were reported at several reservoirs along the Delaware, New Crotan, and Catskill aqueducts. By 2019/09/12, an estimated 25% of the New York City population had been infested by SCP-5509.

Updated Operational Protocols

All Foundation sites within the northeastern United States are to remain on lockdown; all sites within North America are to remain on standby until further notice.

The Foundation has commandeered Center for Disease Control (CDC) assets within SCP-5509 affected areas and will use these resources to help mitigate the spread of SCP-5509. In conjunction with the CDC and assets within mainstream media, a disinformation campaign has begun downplaying the severity of SCP-5509 and its impact on civilian populations.

The New York Tri-State area has been placed under a state of emergency and the Department of External Affairs has executed Article 2, section 33 of the Foundation Charter and is in the process of directing state and federal officials to cede direct control over resources and infrastructure in SCP-5509 affected areas to the Foundation.

The Kelipat Nogah Initiative is working in conjunction with the Medical Department and Intelligence Agency to ascertain a treatment for SCP-5509 infections and an effective counter-strategy against the possible Sarkic threat.

Additionally, the O5 Council has initiated Situation Delta-4 "Potential Biological Breach-of-Veil Scenario" in order to begin preparation for wide-scale activation of Foundation assets for rapid response deployment.

Update 2019/09/14 -

In conjunction with the NYPD, the Foundation has established 26 security checkpoints throughout New York City in an attempt to regulate travel and maintain peace. Mobile Task Force Pi-1 ("City Slickers") and MTF Gamma-44 have been dispatched to respond to a drastic increase in organised criminal activity throughout the city. In several instances, security check points have been targeted by rioters, instigated by known members of GoI-0432 ("The Hunter's Black Lodge").

There are currently an estimated 2.45 million SCP-5509 infected individuals within the New York Metropolitan Area. To date, the Medical Division has been unsuccessful in creating a viable method of removing SCP-5509 from an infected human host. Further testing has indicated that long-term SCP-5509 infection will result in an altering of brain chemistry, making infected individuals more susceptible to manipulation. This is confirmed by the high percentage of infected civilians engaging in directed criminal activity, with no prior history of such.

It is believed that the UN itself is the primary target of this attack as multiple heads of state are on site due to the General Assembly and the previously scheduled meeting of the UN Security Council. As there has been no coordinated Global Occult Coalition response, the Foundation has initiated Operation Unison, in which a joint task force comprised of multiple Mobile Task Forces will secure and evacuate high priority targets.

The UN Secretary General and the Special Envoys to the UN Security Council will be transported to one of the secure locations designated in the Foundation Charter. Following their extraction all other diplomatic and political officials will be secured as dictated by field command. The Kelipat Nogah Initiative has been given provisional command over the Foundation response, with field operations being led by Commander Malachai ben Liraz.

Emergency Notice to All Foundation Personnel.


On 2019/09/16 at 07:12 EST, a Foundation convoy consisting of 42 Foundation security personnel and five transport vehicles arrived at the Headquarters of the United Nations in Manhattan. Immediately following their arrival, a large serpentine organism emerged from the East River destroying several security barricades and the Foundation convoy. The following footage was captured via Foundation Audio/Video equipment and CCTV security cameras:

Internal security footage observed PoI-0432/1 and its serpentine creature killing over 200 individuals, 126 of which were diplomatic officials6 before collapsing the Secretariat building. After destroying the building, PoI-0432/1 and its creature returned to the East River. The attacks took place over a 38 minute span, Foundation backup arrived moments after the collapse of the building. The footless remains of the Secretary General and the Special Envoys were found impaled on chitinous spikes within the General Assembly building.

Update 2019/09/18 -

SCP-5509 infections have been reported in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Japan, India, Germany, Israel, South Korea, and China, with all current attempts to develop a pharmacological response proving ineffective.

The number of SCP-5509 infected individuals is currently estimated at approximately 46 million.

Act II: Exierunt ut Vinceret | In Memoria, Adytum

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