Experiment Log 713
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Approved by O5-██
Project Head: Dr. ███████


Test 12
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software
Procedure: Software initialized. New document opened. "Paint" command selected, brush size altered to 50 pixels, and color changed to #FF0000. Cursor moved offscreen and click-and-dragged over blank white wall. Software exited. Software reinitialized.
Results: Upon selection of "Paint" command, cursor became an open 50-px-wide circle (approx. 3 cm offscreen). Dragging resulted in a 3cm x 20 cm line of the appropriate shade of red appearing on the wall. Line's composition resembled that of the word processor's type. Line disappeared upon exiting program and did not reappear upon program restart. It is hypothesized that the image editor, like the word processor, does not retain data between program instances unless saved to the hard drive.

Test 13
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software
Procedure: As Test 12, except that current image saved to disk before exiting program and opened again upon reinitializing.
Results: Red streak disappeared upon closing program and reappeared upon opening.

Test 14
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software
Procedure: Software initialized. "Blur" command selected, brush size altered to 100 pixels. Cursor moved offscreen and click-and-dragged over blank white wall and over surface of wooden table. Software exited.
Results: Subject surfaces lost approximately ██% of surface detail, including woodgrain and the roughness of paint and cinder-block surfaces. Loss of height detail confirmed with laser rangefinders. Detail returned upon closing program.

Note: Where did the mass of those bumps go? —Dr. ███████

Test 15
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software
Procedure: As Test 14, except that between closing the program and reopening it, the wooden table was moved 3 m farther away from SCP-713.
Results: Blurred area reappeared in same location relative to table. SCP-713 does not appear to depend on positional cues for object recognition.

Test 16
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software
Procedure: As Test 15, except that between closing the program and reopening it, the wooden table was moved to Site ██, ██ km from SCP-713.
Results: Blurred area reappeared in same location on table surface. Further investigation into object's range proposed.

Test 17
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Image-editing software, D-713-023
Procedure: As Test 14, except that "Blur" command applied to D-713-023's face.
Results: All facial features, including sensory organs, reduced to ill-defined and "fuzzy" bumps on head surface. D-713-023 reported significant pain and loss of visual and auditory acuity. All features and faculties returned when program was closed, then disappeared again (with all previously-reported effects) when file loaded.

Note: We could use SCP-713 to punish uncooperative D-class. We erase someone's face, save the file, then threaten to open it if he won't jump when we say… —Research Assistant ████

Denied. Other methods work just as well for less security risk. —Dr. ███████


Test 48
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: File operations
Procedure: Cursor clicked on 10x10x10 cm aluminum cube. Cube held in cursor; Ctrl+C (Copy) entered. Cube released. Ctrl+V (Paste) entered.
Results: Duplicate cube, apparently similar in composition to SCP-713's cursor, appears at tip of cursor. All efforts to interact with duplicate unsuccessful except those using the cursor.

Test 49
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: File operations
Procedure: Cursor moved outside screen. Ctrl+A (Select All) entered. Del (Delete) key pressed.


Test 82
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: "Trash" function, D-713-054
Procedure: Recycle Bin icon double-clicked. File labeled "████████ ██████████" (D-713-054's former name) located and dragged onto the Desktop. File dragged offscreen and over an empty area of the lab floor. Left mouse button released.
Results: Cursor changed into "hourglass" icon for 2 minutes 8 seconds. The "████████ ██████████" file icon then disappeared, and D-713-054 appeared in its place, standing on the ground in a neutral position. Subject expressed agitation and confusion, stating that her arm felt "wrong". Cursory medical examination revealed that her left radius had disappeared completely, leaving all other associated structures intact. Upon further questioning, she stated that she was aware that time had passed since Incident 713-03 but that she could remember very little:

Dr. ██: Please describe what you experienced inside SCP-713.

D-713-054: I… Uh… It was really weird. Like I was dreaming or something.

Dr. ██: Can you recall any details at all?

D-713-054: Do I have to?

Dr. ██: Recalcitrance will be noted.

D-713-054: Okay… It was like… Like I was being broken up into pieces. It didn't hurt, really, but it was… (Subject pauses for several seconds.) Scary. Like a nightmare.

Dr. ██: How many pieces, and how big?

D-713-054: How am I supposed to know that? It wasn't one of those dreams that make sense.

Note: Subsequent interviews with "Trashed" D-class (see Tests 34-██) corroborate these results. Personnel dragged out of the Recycle Bin are consistently unable to give any detailed description of the experience. Some lie, some generate false memories, and some simply state lack of knowledge. Every test to date has resulted in one or more small body parts disappearing upon reconstitution.

Test 83
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: "Trash" function, standard digital video camera
Procedure: Camera set to record and dragged into the Recycle Bin. SCP-713 left to run uninterrupted for 60 minutes. Camera-containing file dragged offscreen.
Results: Cursor changed into "hourglass" icon for 13 seconds. Camera reappeared, still recording, missing approx. 2 square cm of casing surrounding lens. Between "Trashing" and reconstitution, camera recorded 60 minutes of video, all blank.

Test 84
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: "Trash" function, D-713-233
Procedure: D-713-233 dragged into the Recycle Bin. Disk Defragmenter program initialized; main hard drive defragmented. File containing D-713-233 located, opened, and read; contents noted. File closed. D-713-233 dragged back offscreen.
Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] 482 GB, significantly larger than SCP-713's stated hard drive size [DATA EXPUNGED] spreadsheet format. Listed biochemical data were confirmed to correspond to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Upon reconstitution offscreen, [DATA EXPUNGED] nerves rerouted, several joints dislocated, and [DATA EXPUNGED] massive exsanguination and pulmonary distress [DATA EXPUNGED] expired twelve hours later.

Note: Future testing should avoid all file operations as long as any personnel are stored in SCP-713.


Test 112
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Effects of computer crashes
Procedure: Testing chamber cleared. D-713-234 instructed to exploit a previously-discovered bug such that SCP-713’s word processor would “lock up” and stop responding. SCP-713 “cold-booted”.
Results: Cursor froze in place and did not respond until SCP-713 was turned off. Cursor reappeared as normal when computer restarted.

Note: About what we’d expect from a normal computer. —Dr. ███████

Test 113
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Effects of computer crashes
Procedure: As Test 112, except that D-713-234 instructed to attempt to manipulate cursor by hand before restarting.
Results: Cursor froze in place as before. D-713-234 expressed reluctance, but was induced to touch the cursor. His hand immediately became attached to the object, as if someone had attempted to click on him. While the cursor usually exerts exactly enough force to induce necessary movement, D-713-234’s hand was crushed: injuries were consistent with [DATA EXPUNGED] ████ kN, more than SCP-713 has yet displayed.

Test 114
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Effects of computer crashes
Procedure: Testing chamber cleared. D-713-235 instructed to “pick up” a prepared high-capacity multidirectional digital force gauge before crashing SCP-713 as in Test 112.
Results: Force gauge crushed, exactly as with D-713-234’s hand. Pattern of damage to cube indicates [DATA EXPUNGED], as if the cursor [DATA EXPUNGED].

Note: Stop speculating and test that. Request for tougher equipment denied: the last one was expensive enough. There are less direct ways to measure crushing force. —Dr. ███████

Test 115
Date: ██/██/20██
Subject: Effects of computer crashes
Procedure: Testing chamber cleared. D-713-235 instructed to “pick up” a prepared 30x30x30 cm solid iron cube before crashing SCP-713 as in Test 112.
Results: Contact lost with Site ██ for 5 hours. Upon reestablishing contact, [DATA EXPUNGED] considerable structural damage [DATA EXPUNGED] of all electronic devices, with all non-electronic artificial devices [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-███ and SCP-███ were found to have broken containment and [DATA EXPUNGED]. All personnel on site were lost. Security recordings recovered from external SCP servers suggest that in the process of crashing SCP-713 as instructed, D-713-235 inadvertently induced a stop error (“Blue Screen of Death”). See Incident Report 713-23 for further details. See Incident Reports [DATA EXPUNGED] for details of █ similar incidents.

Note: All testing regarding effects of SCP-713's computer crashes is hereby suspended. Researchers involved have received posthumous reprimands. —O5-██

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