Experiment Log 826
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Experiment logs are requested to be written in the following format:

**Head Researcher:**


**Addendum: (Optional)**

Head Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: Agent ██████
Book: Little House on the Prairie
Equipment: One (1) GPS locator, one (1) two-way radio, one (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) 9mm semi-automatic with extra cartridges.

Results: Upon entry into the affected area, all communications and transmissions immediately ceased. After a period of 5 minutes, Agent ██████ emerged from the door unharmed. Agent ██████ was dropped in the middle of a prairie with a "green smudge" off to the west (presumably the Verdigris River of the book). Agent walked towards the river for approximately an hour, before coming across an individual claiming to be Charles Ingalls, who invited him for dinner. Agent accompanied Ingalls back to his home, a log cabin in the prairie, where he met the rest of his family and discovered SCP-826 sitting on the mantlepiece. When Agent pointed out SCP-826 to the family, they claimed SCP-826 was not there before, but did not appear concerned about its presence. Agent then ate dinner with the family, and afterwards asked if he could take the SCP-contained book with him. The family allowed him to take the book. Agent proceeded to remove the book from SCP-826, and exit through the cabin door into the research team's room. Display time on watch is consistent with Agent ██████'s report that he had spent several hours in the setting.

Addendum: Examination of the affected copy of the book reveals an additional paragraph in the book's mid-section describing Agent ██████'s visit, in language consistent with Laura Ingalls Wilder's style. No mention is made, however, of SCP-826; Agent is simply described as having dinner and leaving. The textual deviation is unique to the affected copy of the book.

Subject: Agent █████████
Movie: The Shining (DVD)
Equipment: One (1) GPS locator, one (1) two-way radio, one (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) 9mm semi-automatic with extra cartridges, one (1) video camera attached to Agent's hat
Results: After Agent █████████ entered SCP-containing room, GPS and radio proceeded to malfunction as in previous experiment. After roughly 30 seconds, Agent █████████ exited the room, and gave video camera to research team. Tape was playable and contained the following footage.

Agent █████████ enters into a hotel room from what appeared to be a closet and, after exploring the room and confirming she could not exit through the closet, leaves the room. Agent continues down hallway and eventually arrives in hotel lobby. Agent explores behind front desk and enters hotel manager's office, where SCP-826 sits on shelf beside hotel ledgers. Agent removes DVD from SCP-826 and exits through office door into research room.

Addendum: Examination of DVD copy revealed no major plot deviations, most likely due to the fact Agent did not interact with any of the characters. Experiment demonstrates that SCP-826 can work on DVDs as well as books.

Subject: Agent █████████
Book: The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy, a collection of short stories
Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) 9mm semi-automatic with extra cartridges, one (1) video camera attached to Agent's headset (note: use of GPS locator and two-way radio discontinued, due to their uselessness in previous tests)
Results: Agent █████████ returned after seven minutes, having experienced and recorded just over nine hours. Examination of the recorded footage reveals that the Agent experienced a portion of the short story "The Eye of Tandyla," and was forced to defend himself from temple guards, killing two. This caused the alarm to be raised, and though Agent █████████ was able to retrieve the book from a temple library and escape, the protagonists were apparently caught and executed. The altered copy of the book now reflects this change, although the cause of the alarm is not mentioned, with other stories remaining unaltered. It should also be noted that the book now contains seven fewer pages than a standard, unaltered copy.

Dr. ██████ requests that further experiments be performed with books of short stories, to determine whether the entire book will be experienced, or just a single story, if the book is not recovered from SCP-826 before the story's end.

Head Researcher: Dr. Edison
Subject: Agent █████████
Book: "The Sword That Shoots Laser Beams When You Swing It", a 3-page short story written by Dr. Edison. The story consists of a poetic description of a sword that shoots laser beams when swung. The story states it stands on a pedestal as thousands of years pass uneventfully.
Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) video camera attached to Agent's headset.

Results: Subject is instructed to retrieve the aforementioned sword, test its "magical" properties, and then bring it out. Subject enters door, and returns five minutes later with the original story, and sword. Testing proved that sword, when swung in an arc greater than 45 degrees, emits a beam of radiation consistent with the output of a CO2 laser. Sword has since been assigned to Dr. Edison for further study to determine energy source, laser medium, and optical resonators.

Video logs show that the sword in question matched textual descriptions (including the ability to shoot "Laser Beams"), and that Agent █████████ did indeed bring the sword with him. The story itself remains unchanged, except for a paragraph about a man matching Agent █████████'s description stealing the sword and taking it to "Parts Unknown". Sword has been dubbed SCP-826-1.

Addendum: Scientific testing has proven inconclusive. Molecular analysis shows that SCP-826-1 has a molecular structure consistent with laser printer paper (the medium original story was printed on), yet behaves like high-grade steel in all other respects. The "Laser Beam", on the other hand, acts like a CO2 laser in all respects but speed, which is clocked at a mere 60 km/h, far slower than conventional lasers. Attempts to collect this energy have proven futile, as energy dissipates within █.██ seconds regardless of hitting a target.

Of further note, Agent █████████ has come under the delusion that he is a man named "Galthor" from the kingdom of "Zolgorn". Agent █████████ has insisted on the return of SCP-826-1 to his homeland, and to be released from whatever "foul sorcery" he has been placed under. All attempts at treatment have proven futile. Dr. Edison requests that all further testing with SCP-826 is to be done by D-Class subjects.

Addendum 2: At precisely ██:██:██ on ██/██/██ (exactly 72 hours from Agent █████████'s last trip into SCP-826), Agent █████████ and SCP-826-1 simultaneously disappeared. No trace has been found of the two, and Agent █████████'s existence has been stripped from all Foundation records, including backup copies. The story used in the test in all aspects identical, barring a mention that the man's name was "Galthor". Once again, Dr. Edison suggests that further testing of SCP-826 is to be done by D-Class subjects.

Subject: D-826-01
Book: "The Sword That Shoots Laser Beams When You Swing It", a 3-page short story written by Dr. Edison. Same copy that resulted from previous test, alterations and all.
Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) video camera attached to Subject's headset, one (1) Police issue X26 Taser (loaded).

Results: Subject is asked to retrieve Agent █████████. Subject does not return after five minutes. Agent C██████ enters SCP-826 and retrieves the story without incident. Story now has additional details on a "man in strange garb" trying to stop Agent █████████ with a "magic weapon hereby unknown to man", which matches a description of X26 Police Tazer. Story then describes Agent █████████ injuring D-826-01 with SCP-826-01 before "locking him in the foulest of dungeons in Castle Hyleth". Recovered footage confirms incident.

Subject: D-826-02, D-826-03, D-826-04, D-826-05, D-826-06, and D-826-07, all of whom have military training.
Book: "The Sword That Shoots Laser Beams When You Swing It", a 3-page short story written by Dr. Edison. Same copy that resulted from previous test.
Equipment: Six (6) canteens filled with water, six (6) watches, six (6) video cameras attached to Subjects' headsets, six (6) Police issue X26 Tasers (loaded).

Results: Subjects given successfully apprehend Agent █████████ and D-826-01, leaving SCP-826-01 behind. Story acknowledges all changes, describing "six rogues" who "clamored to avenge the blood of their fallen brother" capturing Agent █████████.

Addendum: Agent █████████ still experiencing pathological delusions, and remains convinced that he is a Knight named "Galthor". Likewise, D-826-01 claims to be a "Blood Wizard" named "Rohthmorn", seeking to claim SCP-826-01 to himself. D-826-01's X26 taser has turned into a "Magic Staff" capable of shooting "Lightning", and is hypothesized to have physical properties similar to SCP-826-01. Item has been labeled SCP-826-02, and has been sent to Site ██ for further testing. Also, Subjects D-826-02, D-826-03, D-826-04, D-826-05, D-826-06, and D-826-07 are now claiming to be "Knights of the Throne" sent to aid "Galthor".

Addendum 2: As in the previous experiment, Agent █████████, Subjects D-826-02, D-826-03, D-826-04, D-826-05, D-826-06, and D-826-07, and SCP-826-02 disappeared at ██:██:██ on ██/██/██ (again, exactly 72 hours from exiting SCP-826). Story now says that "Galthor" was indeed accompanied by 6 "Knights of the Throne", who were armed with "Arcane Weapons" given to them by the good wizard "Edisongrad". All researchers that had been handling SCP-826-02 or SCP-826 are accounted for. Further monitoring of researchers handling objects from SCP-826 is recommended.

Okay, seriously: How did that thing know my name? I'm sure I didn't tell it to either of the agents, and I'm damn sure that I didn't tell any of the subjects. I know this turns up so much in our line of work that it's kind of cliché, but I think the thing might just be sentient… — Dr. Edison

Head Researcher: Dr. Aaron Torres
Subject: D-87631
Material: A copy of "A Game of Thrones" by George R.R Martin.
Equipment: One (1) Military-grade sabre

Results: The purpose of the test was to determine how significantly SCP-826 will allow alterations to the main storyline. Test subject was instructed to disembowl the first person it saw in the work. Upon entering, subject found itself in a circular room, alone with the character Lord Eddard Stark, who was unarmed. Subject attempted to stab Stark, but tripped and fell before he could do so. Subject recovered and tried multiple times to approach Stark, but tripped on multiple inconveniently placed objects. Subject eventually managed to stab Stark, but apparently only gave a minor wound. Subject retreated from the room and eventually found the book in a library within the castle.

Upon retrieval, the text itself had not been significantly altered. The only recorded changes to the text were multiple new paragraphs regarding an attempt on Stark's life by "a rather unintelligent and bumbling assassin". Presumedly, SCP-826 will adjust settings and events in minor ways to prevent major changes to the work's core continuity.

Head Researcher: Dr. King
Subject: D-48279
Material: The Odd Couple, by Neil Simon
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.

Results: Subject arrived in a landscape consistent with Pioneer-Era America. He encounters a man traveling down a road, matching historical descriptions of Jonathan Chapman, who greets the subject, and continues walking. Subject sees SCP-826 in the branches of a nearby tree, then returns to the testing chamber through a passage in the hollow of said tree. The book originally placed in SCP-826 is found to have been replaced with a modified copy of "Johnny Appleseed" by Rosemary Carr Benét.

Head Researcher: Dr. Praetorious
Subject: D-21094
Material: Death by the Book, by Julianna Deering
Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) video camera attached to Test Subject's headset

Results: Upon entering, the test subject returned after 15 minutes. After interviewing the subject and reviewing the footage it was discovered that the beginning of the novel was the first location found by the subject, being the murder scene that is investigated by the main characters and sets the stage for the remainder of the book. The characters, being from a 1930’s period piece, reacted inquisitively to the D-class’ alien clothing and behavior, but did not impede the subject’s examination of the surroundings. In fact at one point the investigator, Chief Inspector Birdsong, interpreted the orange jumpsuit worn by the subject as meaning they were from the coroner’s office, and encouraged them to wait nearby until he was finished examining the crime scene.

It was at this time that video showed the murder weapon used in the crime and sitting next to the body, originally written as a marble bookend shaped like a bust of William Shakespeare, was in fact one half of SCP-826. The novel that had been entered was lying on the floor, roughly half-way between the “murder weapon” and the other half of SCP-826. The test subject immediately retrieved the novel, despite the protests of the characters, and exited the novel before they could react.

Upon examination, the novel now contained an additional character to the first chapter described as an “opportunistic thief” who took advantage of the crime to “pilfer the belongs of the deceased”. Of special note is that the murder weapon was now a “handsome bookend of particular high quality”.

This is the first reported incident of SCP-826 integrating itself into the plot of a novel. It might be an indicator of sentience or merely the narrative taking advantage of the fact that the SCP is identical to an item already in the novel. More testing is suggested.

Head Researcher: Dr. Corn
Subject: D-6187
Material: An Attempt to Deal With a Problem," a four page booklet that details the adventures of a small boy who finds a stick which instantly and permanently kills any lizards it comes in contact with
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.

Results: D-6187 did not return and no video stream was received by the designated receiver. Upon the conclusion of the book 3 days, 14 hours, and 15 minutes later, no characters matching the description of Subject were found within the text of "An Attempt to Deal With a Problem." The phrase "Nice Try" was written in red ink and 92.6 pt comic sans font across the second page.

Head Researcher: Dr. Curbatov
Subject: D-1916
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (DVD)
Equipment: One (1) human heart
Results: D-1916, thirty - year-old white woman, went through several plastic surgeries that made her a copy of Scarlett Johansson, a famous actress.
The purpose of the experiment was whetherSCP-826 could allow an outside subject to take the place of the main character of the plot if it turned out to be more suitable for the conditions forming the plot. In this case, it was checked whether D-1916 could be more beautiful than Snow White.
Since D-1916 was not a princess, the Queen didn't send her to the forest with a Hunter. Instead, she ordered D-1916 to be executed for the attempted murder of the Queen and the dismemberment of an unknown nobleman. The heart given to D-1916 was used as evidence of dismemberment. After that, the plot goes almost unchanged, although the Hunter mentions "that criminal" and that Snow White can expect the same outcome as her.

Subject: D-3721
Movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (DVD). Same copy that resulted from previous test, alterations and all.
Equipment: One (1) Police issue X26 Taser (loaded).
Results: D-3721 is asked to save D-1916. After D-1916 was rescued, the disk was shattered. At the same moment, D-1916 was torn apart, after which she disappeared.
Addendum: Unfortunately, even the destruction of the data carrier cannot save "incorporated" victims — Dr. Curbatov

Subject: D-2380
Material: "No more diseases", a short story about a box full of SCP-500, which stands in an abandoned hunter's house on a hill near the forest in which no animal lives for a long time, since the hunter shot everyone, and then died of hunger himself. The plot emphasizes that the hunter used SCP-500 to cure any disease.
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.
Results: The purpose of the experiment was to test whether objects pulled from history could be used for practical purposes.
The subject was instructed to pick up a box of SCP-500 and take the box with him.
The effect of SCP-500 was tested on two rabbits, two foxes and two wolves. A personal file was created for each animal with a small dossier and a story about the purchase of these animals by the Fund. Exactly 72 hours later, box full of SCP-500, D-2380 and the animals disappeared along with their personal files.
In the story there was a mention that the son of a hunter lives in a hunting lodge for whom the hunter gave all the food when he could no longer find animals in the forest. The son of a hunter walks through the forest and watches foxes, wolves and rabbits and makes a promise to himself that he will not let them die, so as not to repeat his father's mistakes, but will start gardening using SCP-500 so that the plants do not get sick.

Subject: D-1262
Material: "The Midas Rod", a short story about a stick with a silver knob that turned lead into gold if touched with the knob.
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.
Results: The subject took the Midas Rod and left the story. The rod was tested on three (3) lead ingots. The transformation was successful. One (1) ingot was melted together with an ordinary gold ingot, thoroughly mixed and poured into molds. One (1) ingot was crushed by a hydraulic press. One (1) ingot was melted into a ring.
After 72 hours, two (2) gold ingots, one (1) gold plate, one (1) gold ring and D-1262 disappeared. In the text appeared a mention that the rod was found by a man with the name "Anch urus", who began to use it for his own benefit. Buying lead scrap, he turned it into gold, melted it down and sold it. Ingots, a plate and a ring are also mentioned in the text.

Addendum: This proves that any changes made by items from the story will be incorporated into the story's final version. — Dr. Curbatov

Subject: D-3126
Movie: Antz
Equipment: One (1) canteen filled with water, one (1) watch, one (1) video camera attached to Test Subject's headset, one (1) motorbike
Results: The subject is instructed not to come into contact with ants or termites until the picnic scene.
A new scene has appeared in the movie. D-3126 rides up to Zed and Bala on a motorcycle. They were surprised by appearance of D-3126 and his transport, but D-3126 immediately left.
Addendum: Interesting. This movie was chosen because the main characters in it are ants, and at the same time there are people to some extent. The purpose of the experiment was to check whether D-3126 would be the size of an ant or the size of a man. — Dr. Curbatov

Subject: D-3088
Movie: A video recording of D-3631, D-1716 and D-3088 discussing a football match for ten minutes. At the beginning of the video, D-3088 enters the room.
Equipment: One (1) video camera attached to Test Subject's headset
Results: The subjects were surprised by two D-3088 in the same room, but did not prevent the real D-3088 from taking the book.
It seems that real people can't be integrated into the video with their participation, as this would disrupt the plot.

Subject: D-3631
Movie: A disc with a video recording of D-1716 entering the room with SCP-826 on the table and taking the disc
Equipment: One (1) video camera attached to Test Subject's headset
Results: There were two SCP-826 on the table instead of one. D-3631 took one of the disks and left the room. He was monitored for 72 hours. D-3631 was not integrated into the plot of the video.
It seems that the object cannot integrate itself into a plot where it already exists.

Subject: D-3323, D-4434
Material: "The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.
Results: Before the experiment began, all known information about D-3323 was collected into one file, after which a copy of this file was made. In the copied file, the name of D-3323 was replaced by name of D-4434. Both files were printed out.
D-3323 returned with pince-nez twenty minutes later and was placed under surveillance. Three days later, he disappeared with his pince-nez. The electronic file about D-3323 was damaged and could not be opened, and the paper copy of the file became blank sheets. At the same time, the files with name of D-4434 remained intact.

Subject: D-4434
Material: "The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Equipment: One (1) head mounted camera.
Results: Before the experiment began, all known information about D-4434 was collected into one file, after which this file was printed out.
D-4434 returned with pince-nez twenty minutes later and was placed under surveillance. Three days later, he disappeared with pince-nez. The electronic file about D-4434 was damaged and could not be opened, and the paper copy of the file became blank sheets. At the same time, the files describing D-3323, in which name of D-3323 name was replaced by name of D-4434, remained intact.
Addendum: Apparently, SCP-826 erases any truthful information that could confirm that the person embedded in the plot ever existed. At the same time, this effect doesn’t work with information that has been deliberately changed to make it false. — Dr. Curbatov

Head Researcher: Dr. Lombardi
Subject: D-37352
Material: A video recording of D-82493 holding "The Lion King" (DVD). She has been instructed to trade this DVD to D-37352 for an identical copy.
Equipment: "The Lion King" (DVD) - the same copy featured in the video recording.
Results: Subject encountered D-82493 and traded DVDs without issue. D-37352 returned shortly thereafter.
Addendum: Item has remained stable after 72 hours, despite having emerged from the narrative. Content is identical to compared to control DVD. Molecular analysis of item's structure shows no anomalous properties.

We've been focused on taking things from SCP-826, but have never tried a trade. This experiment equalized value and mass. Further testing is needed to see how those variables can be adjusted. — Dr. Lombardi

Head Researcher: Dr. Chair
Subject: D-0406
Material: A copy of the file for SCP-826 with a copy of the extended Experiment Log attached.

Equipment: One (1) 9mm semi-automatic with extra cartridges and one (1) camera attached to the subject's headset.

Results: The item was placed between SCP-826. Personnel overseeing the experiment waited 72 hours for the anomalous properties of SCP-826 to manifest, although no change was observed in the room. Testing was considered aborted, and the item was removed from SCP-826.


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