The Mementos


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A Message from O5-1

12 November 1948 almost destroyed the Foundation. Raymond Lewis and his accomplices escaped, retrieving a number of anomalies involved in the production of RS-Amrita, and damaging or causing containment breaches across multiple sites. These insurgents have never been captured, and have been in near-constant conflict with the Foundation. It is unclear whether they still pursue the creation of Amrita, and whether Lewis himself remains alive.

At the time, the remnants of the Foundation were left rudderless, their guiding purpose shattered.

Yet, out of that chaos, a new Foundation was built. The surviving O5 council laid down the principles to ensure that, while future adversity is inevitable, we would not repeat the failures of the past. We would make sure to remember our mistakes - to remember that we are human.

With your new clearance, reading this file, you are part of that remembrance. You can know that your every step brings you closer to that final wall, and you can travel boldly onwards. You can protect life without fearing what comes after.

And you will have access to files under a new object class. A class created to remind the Foundation of its past arrogance and overreaching. A class that recognises our struggle in the shadows, and that represents our role as adversary to those that seek eternity.

A way to acknowledge that we cannot shut death in a box.

SCP-001 - object class: Thaumiel - is the box.

Pray that it holds.

Return to previous files:

1) Access Page
2) Facial Scan
3) A message from O5-1
4) Foundation 1918-1927
5) Foundation 1941-46
6) Incomplete medical records 1946
7) Incomplete medical records 1947
8) Incomplete medical records 1948

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