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│ /serv IDENTIFY FYNEGAN-J dnC200cPg42
│ ++ Accessing user… (100%)
│ ++ Welcome, FYNEGAN-J.
│ /SCP-WOW-J —level4 —official
│ ++ SCP-WOW-J OFFICIAL loading…


Item #: SCP-WOW-J

Object Class: Unclear/Unknown

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-WOW-J is to be considered a 5 km by 5 km by 5km cube, unless other considerations are authorized by O5 Command.

SCP-WOW-J is theorized to be in a standard containment cell in Site-107. Should object containment be compromised, MTF Episilon-69 "Sweet Boys" are authorized to attempt to attempt to recover any personnel suspected of infection via dissemination of counter-memetics imagery inscribed on lead tablets introduced directly to the affected personnel's brainstem.

Under no circumstances should this document be deleted from the Foundation databanks.

Description: SCP-WOW-J is to be considered a 5 km by 5 km by 5km cube. SCP-WOW-J's almost random description errors are assumed to be due to its anomalous nature. SCP-WOW-J cannot be intentionally observed. SCP-WOW-J also causes any personnel to indirectly see it as a different anomalous object. Foundation researchers are sure that SCP-WOW-J harbours a memetic effect. We're not sure what it is, but there definitely is one. If you figure it out, send it to moc.liamg||, thanks. Foundation researchers are also encouraged to submit their SCP-WOW-J forms to their Site head.

Addendum 01:
Inigo Montoya: My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
Inigo Montoya charges into battle, his mechanical dragon body unleashing a literally supernova onto the battlefield as various weapons fold in and out of various orifices. - Dr. Fynegan

In the event of SCP-WOW-J continuing, all parties who participated in the creation of SCP-WOW-J are to be terminated for what they have done. They know what they did, they know they deserve it, monsters.

Addendum 02:
The author of this SCP, Dr. Fynegan, was allowed to monitor and make minor edits (provided that they are clearly Dr. Fynegan’s) to submitted SCP-WOW-Js under O5 orders.


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