SCP-3148 (A2032)
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Item #: SCP-3148

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3148-1 is to be distributed to the leaders of national governments, high-ranking personnel in national militaries, and the O-5 Council. Foundation nuclear devices are to be armed preemptively. All Special Containment Procedures are hereby rescinded. Foundation staff are instructed to utilize anomalous objects to neutralize potential threats preemptively, including other anomalous objects. SCP-2000 is to prepare to undertake Procedure CYA-009. In the event that completion of Procedure CYA-009 is rendered impossible, Foundation launch facilities are to undertake Procedure SHV-258. Foundation personnel expressing dissent against these containment procedures will be terminated. No efforts are to be made to prevent the spread of SCP-3148.

Description: SCP-3148 is a communication from an alternate reality. It presents itself as a series of modifications to visual media files. SCP-3148 appears to be aimed at the leadership of several powerful organizations, and intends to provide warning of an impending K-Class end-of-the-world event. It is believed that SCP-3148 originates from a reality in which this event was not prevented, though little can be ascertained about the nature of the alternate reality from SCP-3148. The nature of the predicted K-Class scenario is also obscure, but may involve an undiscovered Keter- or Apollyon-class entity.

SCP-3148 has informed Foundation leadership that the only adequate preventative measure is the use of dangerous SCP objects to neutralize the event, as well as other high-level threats to normalcy. Due to the urgency of the communications, it is believed that the Foundation has fewer than 2 months to prepare before the forewarned K-Class scenario takes place. As a result, an evacuation of the surface of the Earth is out of the question.

SCP-3148 is capable of propagating through visual media files.

Addendum 3148-1: Procedure SHV-258

Two spacecraft with the following specifications are to be prepared and launched. At least two weeks of in-flight testing must take place on both spacecraft after launch to ensure full system functionality. Upon completion of testing, Phase 1 of Procedure SHV-258 begins. Phase 1 of Procedure SHV-258 is a standby phase, during which all mission elements remain in orbit. Phase 2 of Procedure SHV-258 is the primary mission phase, during which the mission elements preform their active duties.

Designation: SHV-258-1

Launch Mass: 13 tons

Power: 35 kW (Gallium arsenide PV cell array, Lithium thionyl chloride batteries)

Communications: 29 GHz / 30 kW radio spot-beam (2000 Gbit/s downlink rate), 800 MHz / 50 W UHF receiver

Propulsion: 5 kW Hall-effect thruster

Payload: 2,300 (two-thousand three hundred) 512 TB Solid State Drives with 1.2 Exabytes of aggregate space, filled with compiled material from the National Archive and Records Administration, the Library of Congress, the UK National Archives, the French Archives Administration, 30 University archives, select web databases, and the Foundation Database.

Mission Description: SHV-258-1 is to maintain its designated orbit at all times. If SHV-258-1 receives a confirmation signal from SHV-258-2, it is to begin transmitting the data it contains at the current location of Site-01. It is to continue to transmit until the confirmed conclusion of Procedure SHV-258. Estimated mission length: 250 years

Designation: SHV-258-2

Launch Mass: 300 tons

Power: 200 MW (Small Modular Fusion Reactor, Galvani Steady-State Batteries1)

Communications: 800 MHz / 60 W Crosslink Antenna, 800 MHz / 50 W UHF receiver, 9GHz / 15 kW High-Gain Antenna

Propulsion: 100 MW Argon Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (AVASIMR)

Payload: 2,300 (two-thousand three hundred) 512 TB Solid State Drives with 1.2 Exabytes of aggregate space, filled with compiled material from the National Archive and Records Administration, the Library of Congress, the UK National Archives, the French Archives Administration, 30 University archives, select web databases, and the Foundation Database. 1 (one) in-vitro gestation device, equipped to bring 300 human embryos to term. Both hard drives and embryos are to be shielded from cosmic ray bombardment using the argon fuel tanks and lead shielding. 1 (one) gamma ray sensor. 1 (one) low-energy charged particle detector. 1 (one) optical spectroscope.

Mission Description: SHV-258-2 is to remain on standby and maintain its designated orbit until it receives radio confirmation to begin Phase 2 of Procedure SHV-258. Phase 2 may also be triggered by sufficiently high gamma ray readings from the direction of Earth or a cessation of radio communications from Foundation ground stations. SHV-258-2 will send a confirmation signal to SHV-258-1 and will then attempt to exit the solar system. The onboard command module will calculate an efficient trajectory and execute the necessary burns. Once SHV-258-2 is on a trajectory to leave the Solar System, all non-essential systems are to be disabled, and the spacecraft will go into hibernation. If SHV-258-2 detects a change in the flow direction of low-energy charged particles around it, some systems will be partially enabled to allow further investigation. If a possible life-bearing planet is detected in the vicinity of SHV-258-2, the contents of the onboard SSDs are to be broadcast openly. SHV-258-2 is not to change its trajectory at any time unless met with a responding signal. Further directives for SHV-258-2 have been classified. Estimated mission length: Indefinite.

Addendum 3148-2: Examples of SCP-3148

The following samples of SCP-3148-1 have been provided for personnel awareness of SCP-3148.

Addendum 3148-3: List of Updated Handling Protocols for Anomalous Objects

Below is a list of new directives for the use of SCP objects currently in the Foundation’s custody. This list is actively updated by the staff previously involved in object containment.

Addendum 3148-4: Untitled

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