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Item #: SCP-4023-EX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4023 is to be kept in a level 3 biohazardous containment facility designated 4023-a. Access will be granted to level 3 personnel on the 4023 project. Specimens of SCP-4023-1 expressing SCP-4023 should be stored at -80 degrees Celsius, in a 50% glycerol stock solution. All personnel must wear full face and skin protection while working with SCP-4023 or SCP-4023-1. Any items that have come into contact with SCP-4023 or SCP-4023-1 must be kept in lab 4023-a or incinerated.

Addendum 4023-1: While SCP-4023 has been explained and no longer requires special containment procedures, lab 4023-a is to be kept online for containment and study of SCP-4023-1. Lab 4023-a has been downgraded to a level 2 biohazardous laboratory.

Description: SCP-4023-EX is a chemical compound currently marketed as the antibiotic █████████, patented by Foundation front company █████████ █ ██████. It is an oxazolidinone antibiotic agent capable of killing nearly any naturally-occurring Gram-positive bacteria, but lacking the toxicity present in previously documented oxazolidinone compounds. Structural details, mechanism of action, and production information are publicly available in several peer-reviewed scientific journals and on Wikipedia.

SCP-4023-1 is a species of yeast capable of naturally-producing SCP-4023-EX in extremely prolific quantities. Although superficially similar to Saccharomyces spp., SCP-4023-1 does not have any close genetic resemblance to any known naturally occurring species. The cellular machinery it uses to produce SCP-4023-EX has not been replicable in other organisms. SCP-4023-1 requires a diet rich in glucose, selenium, and arsenic to proliferate; thus, containment breach is not considered a high risk.

Recovery Log 4023: SCP-4023 was discovered coating the surface of SCP-███. Its properties were realised on ██-██-19██, when Dr. ██████ suffered total microfloral die-off of almost all Gram-positive commensals following inadvertent saturation with the compound. SCP-4023-1 was later found in several pockets of SCP-███, and isolated for laboratory study; remaining samples were removed by sterilising SCP-███ and all individuals involved in researching it.

Addendum 4023-2: The development of a nonbiological synthetic mechanism for SCP-4023-EX has allowed it to be marketed as a commercial drug. As a safeguard to prevent potential global contamination and microbial extinction events, an antibiotic resistance plasmid for SCP-4023-EX was developed and released to ensure that natural genetic drift mechanisms keep bacterial populations alive.

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