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Item #: SCP-5411 Level 2/5411
Object Class: Euclid-provisi1 Classified


Above: SCP-5411-0. Below: Outpost-Z478.

Provisional Containment Procedures

Notice: The Object Class for SCP-5411 is currently pending investigation and assessment protocols, temporary containment has been established as follows:

Foundation Outpost-Z478 is within a 70 km2 exclusionary zone maintained around SCP-5411-0. In conjunction with the federal government of the United Republic of Tanzania, the zone is restricted under the guise of a military installation. Warning signs every .5 km around the perimeter of the exclusionary zone advise civilians of severe punishment for trespassing. The exclusionary zone is patrolled continuously by a total of 25 unarmed automated drones, which transmit information back to Outpost-Z478. All trespassers are to be apprehended and amnesticized by Containment Task Force Delta-52 ("Desert Rats"), before being released into the custody of the Tanzanian government for prosecution.

Foundation personnel entering SCP-5411-0 are forbidden from possessing firearms or any visible object that can be perceived as a weapon. Under no circumstances are personnel to interact with or approach fauna within SCP-5411-0.

A single domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) is kept at Outpost-Z478 at all times. If SCP-5411 attempts to leave the area, CTF Delta-52 will activate the binding circle created by the Foundation's Thaumaturgy Division through a sacrificial ritual utilizing the goat. The goat is to be sacrificed via laceration of the throat within Outpost-Z478, completing the binding ritual. Once the binding is complete, the containment procedures for SCP-5411 will be appended.

Any SCP-5411-1 instances attempting to leave SCP-5411-0 are to be destroyed via incineration.




SCP-5411 is a humanoid entity with several documented anomalous properties and the physical appearance of a tribal witch doctor. Standing approximately 2.1 meters tall, SCP-5411 is composed of various human, animal, and botanical components, though its internal structure and functions remain unknown. It is capable of speech in an unknown language and does not appear to understand Swahili, Arabic, or English. Anomalous properties attributed to SCP-5411 include teleportation, intangibility, zoolingualism2, florakinesis, and psychokinesis. SCP-5411 is also capable of manifesting and controlling one-meter-tall humanoid entities (designated SCP-5411-1) composed of foliage, wood, mud, and rocks.

SCP-5411-1 instances possess limited intelligence, displaying rudimentary predatorial behavior. Utilizing quadrupedal locomotion, an SCP-5411-1 instance can run at a speed of approximately 75 km/h. Instances of SCP-5411-1 are highly damage resistant, only capable of being harmed through incendiaries. SCP-5411-1 instances will attack humans indiscriminately, using sharp claw-like stone appendages to disembowel or behead its target. When in the presence of SCP-5411, instances will become docile and only act aggressively upon verbal command from SCP-5411. There are a total of 58 known instances of SCP-5411-1 within SCP-5411-0.

SCP-5411-0 is an approximately 35 km2 area of Southern Tanzanian savanna where SCP-5411 and all known SCP-5411-1 instances reside. Though possessing a climate typical of its location, SCP-5411-0 has an abnormally abundant amount of non-anomalous fauna, including large populations of endangered species. Endangered species with known populations within SCP-5411-0 include black rhinoceros, western gorilla, African forest elephant, addax, Grévy's zebra, okapi, ring-tailed lemur, African penguin, white rhinoceros, and pygmy hippopotamus.

SCP-5411 is capable of instantly relocating itself anywhere within SCP-5411-0. It utilizes this ability to confront any individual within SCP-5411-0 which it perceives as a threat3. Since their discovery, SCP-5411 or SCP-5411-1 instances have not traveled beyond the border4 of SCP-5411-0.


On 2019/09/13, the Foundation was contacted by an asset within the Tanzania People's Defence Force (TPDF), when a member of their anti-poaching task group submitted a report containing video evidence of SCP-5411. The anti-poaching task group was in pursuit of a known poaching gang, which led them into SCP-5411-0. The following is a transcript of a video recording taken during this encounter:

After several tests were conducted, the exclusionary zone surrounding SCP-5411-0 was established three weeks after its discovery. Unarmed investigation of SCP-5411-0 was determined to be too high-risk and armed investigation totally unfeasible. In response, the current containment procedures regarding SCP-5411-0 were established.


During the subsequent investigation, the Foundation was made aware of a small village near SCP-5411-0, that had information regarding the origin of SCP-5411. Contact with the village was soon after established and an interview with a local elder was arranged. The following is a transcript of that interview:

Aerial surveillance of SCP-5411 revealed that it spent a majority of its time tending to and communicating with the fauna within SCP-5411-0. SCP-5411 was witnessed regrowing vegetation for grazing animals, assisting in the birthing process of several species, bringing injured animals sustenance while treating their injuries, as well as various other beneficial services to the ecosystem. At no time has SCP-5411 been witnessed eating, drinking, sleeping, or resting; seemingly in a constant state of activity.

Unarmed Foundation personnel have entered SCP-5411-0 to conduct research and remained unharmed by SCP-5411 or the SCP-5411-1 instances. Though while within SCP-5411-0, personnel remained under constant supervision of SCP-5411 or SCP-5411-1 instances. Despite several attempts being been made, direct communication with SCP-5411 has been deemed unfeasible.

Classification Proposal

After approximately one year of observation, SCP-5411 has been deemed a low-risk, low-disruption anomaly and therefore direct containment has been deemed counterproductive. The overwhelming benefit to the ecosystem within SCP-5411-0, as well as the preservation of over twenty endangered species and ten near-extinct species greatly outweighs the need for containment. The current containment procedures have been established in order to limit Foundation interference within SCP-5411-0, therefore allowing the continued growth and stability of the ecosystem.

In addition, the research opportunities presented by this unique ecosystem will be categorically beneficial to several intra-Foundation projects. Pending approval, the Provisional Containment Procedures will be finalized and SCP-5411 will be classified as Hiemal.6

In support: Containment Department, Parazoology Division, Scientific Department, Research and Development Division, HCML Administration

O5 Command – PENDING

Ethics Committee – APPROVED

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